Monday, November 27, 2006

The Loss Of A Dear Friend...Our Cat Boo...

Usually not one to be blue, in less of one to share bad news, but going to make and exception, and share here the beginnings of a tribute to Deniro Boo, a grand old cat. If you would like to read his Goodbye note to his Mom (my wife), the link has been provided below the brief intro here on this'll be missed BIG GUY.

This is a picture of Boo (Deniro) with two of his pals. He's in the foreground and beside him with the gold eyes is Shadow Dancer. Directly behind him guarding the vacuum sweeper is Snowball (Shadow's Mom). They both are going to miss The Booster, and so shall we.

This post will always be open to those wishing to leave a greeting to Boo, as he was always a friendly type, and will love knowing folks are stopping by to occasionally say hello. All cats are special, it's just that some are more special than we really ever knew. Our Boo was one of those cats that was special, and his absence is one that will take awhile to get over. We loved you BOO! Good bye dear son.

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