Thursday, November 23, 2006

Just In Time For Christmas

Just in time for Christmas, I happened to click on one of our "Almost The News" Ad Sense links, and what before my eyes should appear? Why a little Green Devil with a recipe for good cheer. OK, at 50, soon to be 51 I have not actually tried Absinthe, but have been wanting too, even went so far as to check out a few sites that ship it...however, nothing quite captured my attention until I found this site! Imagine making your own, and if you hurry, it can be done just in time for a Christmas Eve Night taste from the past. Green Devil is not one of our patrons, but their web site is so tastefully done that I had to give them a plug, and a link on our side bar...give them a click, and if you do, make sure to tell them that "Almost The News" says hello. Also, for certain readers here in my CLOSE circle of friends, even family, you are ALWAYS saying I am so hard to shop for...can we say CLUE?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, but those kits do not make _real_ absinthe-- they make a foul stew that will make you gag! Gotta distill absinthe, period.

Check out this bit of La Fee Verte FAQ.

If you want real absinthe, try ordering some Duplais from eAbsinthe or any of Ted Breaux' varieties from Absinthe Online (Google will show you where). Avoid anything Czech or that brags about thujone. Or, find somebody who can hook you up with the hg.