S Koreans offered prizes to shun prostitutes
The South Korean Government is handing out gifts for office workers who promise not to visit brothels this holiday season.
The Ministry of Gender Equality is offering to pay companies whose employees pledge not to buy sex after what are typically alcohol-soaked, year-end parties.
"If you promise yourself to make it a healthy night out at the end of the year and if you recommend this to others, we are giving lots of prizes," the ministry said in an Internet posting.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Skip The New Years Eve Prostitute, WIN A PRIZE
From Congressman John Hall Blog...Colbert Appearences

Keeping Track...The Colbert Report
For all those who are tracking important numbers on John Hall...he's appeared on the Colbert Report THREE times since being elected...this last one was a brief little flash of him in the audience while at Harvard. Of course, many of us are still waiting for John Hall's appearance on the Daily Show...sure someone out there has already offered to help John Hall write a book that will soar up the charts, so look for that event to come to a Cable TV near you soon. Sure once Jon sees this MAJOR press coverage that The Colbert Report is getting on this and other blogs, that he'll LEAP at the chance to feature John Hall prominently on The Daily Show, and that is truthiness.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Who Needs A Clue. Perez Hilton or Advertisers?

I never gave the issue much thought, choosing instead to turn into the Daily Show, and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, and maintaining my various assorted politically oriented blogs...until this morning when I was checking on my blog statistics over on Ad Brite...IMAGINE MY SURPRISE when I found out that those who advertise on Washington Scandal have also advertised on Perez Hilton's blog! As we all do, I decided to do some COMPARISONS between Washington Scandal that has a lot of original political commentary, and Perez Hilton's blog.
Daily Traffic
Perez Hilton (some probably phooney, or from friends) 230
Washington Scandal 270
Daily Traffic Winner....WASHINGTON SCANDAL
Unique Visitors (This one is telling...someone is maybe running a scam?)
Perez Hilton 20
Washington Scandal 160
Hmmmm.....any one notice some oddity going on? Perez Hilton has only 20 Unique Visitors on this particular daily shot of statistics, but 230 site visits which translates to 11 page views per visitor! Would not take very many PALS to create and illusion now would it? What if those same visitors are also doing some extra clicking...not saying it is so, but musing outloud here.
Bottom line, Washington Scandal wins the Unique Visitors competition hands down.
Now, things get FUZZY from here on out, which is why maybe advertisers need to take a closer look at Perez Hilton's site.
With only 20 unique visitors a day, this blog has an incredible Alexa rank of 1,133!
Meanwhile, Washington Scandal with 160 unique visitors has an Alexa Rank of only 5,929,231. HELLO, someone needs a V-8! Let's now look at one more thing.
Perez Hilton is commanding $700.00 a week for 20 visitors a DAY! Now advertisers, if you do some basic math, you are paying this person who is being SUED $5.00 a visitor to his blog...unless you are selling doggy bags to Paris Hilton and her friends on a regular basis, that's a very pricy per visitor amount to be shelling out.
Now, the weekly rate for Washington Scandal on the other hand is currently $35.00 with a monthly rate of $150. Now, 160 UNIGUE VISITORS a day for seven days is 1120 UNIGUE VISITORS a week. In short, cost per visitor to advertise on Washington Scandal is around 3.1 CENTS.
The numbers tell the TALE! Think about it advertisers...do you really want to be giving Perez Hilton $5.00 a visitor? Or is this just one of those games the A list folks play? Is it actually Paris and her friends funding this farce of a blog? We will never know, but serious business people should know a joke when they see one.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Chocolate, Health Gift From The God's

Reports show that chocolate is good for...well, JUST ABOUT EVERY THING. Your heart, your mood, even your blood pressure...so LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS, not to worry. Go to your nearest mall, and find the Godiva Display and load up a box for every one on your list, and two for yourself. As they say, "Chocolate is to DIE FOR", so give the gift everyone loves to consume.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Good News, Bad News...Super POT Found In Mexico
Hybrid marijuana plant found in Mexico
By MARK STEVENSON, Associated Press Writer 9 minutes ago
LAZARO CARDENAS, Mexico - Soldiers trying to seize control of one Mexico's top drug-producing regions found the countryside teeming with a new hybrid marijuana plant that can be cultivated year-round and cannot be killed with herbicides.
Soldiers fanned out across some of the new fields Tuesday, pulling up plants by the root and burning them, as helicopter gunships clattered overhead to give them cover from a raging drug war in the western state of Michoacan. The plants' roots survive if they are doused with herbicide, said army Gen. Manuel Garcia.
"These plants have been genetically improved," he told a handful of journalists allowed to accompany soldiers on a daylong raid of some 70 marijuana fields. "Before we could cut the plant and destroy it, but this plant will come back to life unless it's taken out by the roots."
The new plants, known as "Colombians," mature in about two months and can be planted at any time of year, meaning authorities will no longer be able to time raids to coincide with twice-yearly harvests.
The hybrid first appeared in Mexico two years ago but has become the plant of choice for drug traffickers Michoacan, a remote mountainous region that lends to itself to drug production.
Yields are so high that traffickers can now produce as much marijuana on a plot the size of a football field as they used to harvest in 10 to 12 acres. That makes for smaller, harder-to-detect fields, though some discovered Tuesday had sophisticated irrigation systems with sprinklers, pumps and thousands of yards of tubing.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Time To Legalize Pot? It's America's Number One Crop!

Now, before a lot of you go jumping all over me for suggesting we LEGALIZE pot, and perhaps other drugs, consider this...the LARGEST CASH COW FOR TERRORISTS is the movement and sale of ILLEGAL DRUGS. You are not going to stop them from growing, harvesting and selling these illegal drugs, but if our drugs were HOME GROWN, we could CUT THEM OUT OF THE MARKET, wipe out their major source of funds...a few hundred serious fields of poppies and herb plants, and the Taliban is in deep shit as their sources for cash go dry. You cannot deny this reality, as it has been discussed on the news, commercials have been made suggesting we are supporting terrorists when we get high...well, people are going to get high even if the moral majority hates that reality. However, given a choice, they'd buy their bud locally.
Cash value of pot crops is highlighted in report
By Eric Bailey, Times Staff Writer
6:21 PM PST, December 17, 2006
SACRAMENTO -- For years, activists in the marijuana legalization movement have claimed that cannabis is America's biggest cash crop. Now they're citing government statistics to prove it.
A report to be released Monday by a marijuana public policy analyst contends that the market value of pot produced in the United States exceeds $35 billion -- far more than the crop value of such heartland staples as corn, soybeans and hay.
California is responsible for more than one-third of the cannabis harvest, with an estimated production of $13.8 billion that exceeds the value of the state's grapes, vegetables and hay combined -- and marijuana is the top cash crop in a dozen states, the report states.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Up Skirt Photographer BANNED from Camera Use For ONE YEAR

SINGAPORE: A man arrested for secretly filming under a teenage girl's skirt was barred from using cameras for a year by a Singapore court, a paper said on Thursday.
The 20-year-old Singaporean was arrested in November last year after he was caught filming under the 17-year-old girl's skirt with a digital camera and his camera phone on an escalator, the Straits Times daily reported.
Dubbed "the upskirt voyeur" by the paper, the man escaped a jail term but was sentenced to 40 hours of community service and ordered by the court to stay away from all types of cameras, including camera phones for a year.
At least eight men in Singapore -- including teachers, an engineer, and a doctor -- have been jailed for similar offences in the last year, the report said.
Profits ZOAR at Almost The News

Well, Donald Trump had best be sending his JET, or at the very least inviting me to be on his hit TV Show, "The Apprentice". I mean just my mentioning him and his show here on this blog is and endorsement of MASSIVE PROPORTIONS...forget Tiger Woods, the Porgie has just given the Donald a plug! Anyway, back to profits discussions. Forget quarters here folks, and forget that 400 percent GROWTH...we are talking record shattering performance here, profit growth never before seen in the entire history of MANKIND! We here at Almost The News have just approved an Ad Sense campaign that gives us profit growth of over TEN THOUSAND PERCENT! We have jumped past quarters, no fifty cent pieces, but serious real DOLLAR BILLS, and not just singles either! We have fives, tens, even a TWENTY DOLLAR BILL! MY GAWD, we have enough to BUY BEER AND FREAKING PIZZA!
IF this keeps up, we may be able to attract the quality players to this blog...that's right, I AM TALKING PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER as an advertiser, or imagine, could it be that BUDWEISER (My home town brew) would put and ad on our site...imagine that, a Budweiser LINK! Their Banner right there for all the world to see! Godiva, I have got to have Godiva! Imagine CRAFTSMAN...I could get some free POWER TOOLS, be just like Tim The Toolman! I'd give a free BANNER FOR LIFE to Tesla Motors if they could toss me one of their Roadsters...convertible only though! Martha Stewart, she's doing houses NOW...I could move out of my refrigerator BOX into a real HOME! She gets a BANNER AD, I get one of those homes she has built by someone else with her name on them! I'd not keep it though, would sell the home, and fulfill my dream of owning a DOUBLE WIDE in a first rate trailer park!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Big Fat DUBBIES At London Olympics?

December 13th, 2006
Athletes at the London Olympics should be not banned for taking recreational drugs, the Sports Minister said today.
Richard Caborn stunned MPs by suggesting cannabis should be removed from the list of banned substances for competitors.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Colbert SCORES BIG With Truthiness
'Truthiness' is the word of the year
POSTED: 10:48 a.m. EST, December 9, 2006
SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts (AP) -- After 12 months of naked partisanship on Capitol Hill, on cable TV and in the blogosphere, the word of the year for 2006 is ... "truthiness."
The word -- if one can call it that -- best summed up 2006, according to an online survey by dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster.
"Truthiness" was credited to Comedy Central satirist Stephen Colbert, who defined it as "truth that comes from the gut, not books."
Other Top 10 finishers included "war," "insurgent," "sectarian" and "corruption." But "truthiness" won 5-to-1, Morse said.
Colbert -- who once derided the folks at Springfield-based Merriam-Webster as the "word police" and a bunch of "wordinistas" -- was pleased.
"Though I'm no fan of reference books and their fact-based agendas, I am a fan of anyone who chooses to honor me," he said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
New Blog Launched-The Washington Clitorial

As we prepare for the 110th Congress, and the coronation of Nancy (my husband shops for me) Pelosi, as Speakeress of The House it seems appropriate to create a tongue in cheek blog about and for women in Washington politics and the title Washington Rag sheet just seemed to much of a red state title, and we all know, Bush is out (or is that Cheney?) and Hilliary is in, so welcome to, "The Washington Clitorial" where the news and views are hopefully all in the pink.
Friday, December 8, 2006
Links For Hard to Find Christmas Gifts
Peeping Maxwell Night Vision Goggles
My Little Pony Glue Factory
Bump 'em..Hump 'em Robots
Play Do Bling Factory
Road Kill Racoon with Action Maggots
Easy Bake Meth Lab
Lawn Dart Tag
Honka Trucks for White Trash Kids
Rubic's Pube
Mary-Kate's Binge and Purge Game
Shiite Pet
Junior Electrician Home Appliance Repair Kit
Hollywood Clue
Fire Up Your Car With BLUBBER DIESEL

Fortune in fat
A Norwegian businessman is looking to earn money on the fat of the land, and create fuel in the USA
Lauri Venøy wants to use the product created from liposuction to develop bio-diesel.
Bio-diesel can be produced from plant oils and/or animal fat, and the Norwegian sees the scheme as a renewable energy source, newspaper Dagens Nærinsgliv reports.
More than sixty percent of Americans are overweight and the Norwegian's firm in Miami, Florida is in the process of signing an agreement with US hospital giant Jackson Memorial. This deal would give Venøy & Co. around 11,500 liters of human fat a week from liposuction operations, which is enough to produce about 10,000 liters of bio-diesel.
"Maybe we should urge people to eat more so we can create more raw material for fuel," Venøy said.
In Norway bio-diesel is primarily produced from fish oils and used fryer fat.
Some Folks Have No Sense of Humor...Pornaments Gone From Spencer Gifts

Maybe it is time for some of these DAMN CHRISTIANS to take responsibility for their own lives, and their own children, rather than trying to stop the rest of us from living and enjoying our lives. If you don't want your children seeing NAKED SNOW MEN, keep them the hell out of Spencer's Gifts! If you don't want your children seeing Penthouse, then keep it in a better hiding place than under your bed. We were born naked, and there is nothing wrong with adults buying the gag gift of naked Christmas ornaments. Wondering here if the moron Thompson will now try to close down my blog?
Spencer Gifts blinks in battle over 'pornaments'
Products disappear from website when criminal complaint sought
Posted: December 8, 2006
5:00 p.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A photograph of a "pornament" that News4Jax.com fogged in order to be able to show it on television
Pornographic ornaments, apparently similar to those used in the Clinton White House, have disappeared from a novelty company's website, and are being pulled from its stores, after a Miami, Fla., lawyer warned the company that displaying those items where children can see them is illegal in many states.
The "pornaments," featuring various snowman, elf and Santa characters in sexually explicit poses, no longer are available on the website of Spencer Gifts, and Florida lawyer Jack Thompson told WND that he's working to make sure the company faces criminal charges in any state where they continue to appear in stores and where state laws are similar to Florida's.
The "pornaments" graphically depict anal intercourse between a snowman and a bare-breasted "snowwoman," sexual intercourse between reindeer, a naked elf with a gigantic, erect penis, a bare-breasted female elf, and so on, Thompson reported in a letter to authorities.
Those are similar, he said, to the ones former FBI Agent Gary Aldrich described in his book, "Unlimited Access," about security lapses during the Clinton tenure in the White House. That book recounts the placement of pornographic tree ornaments on the official Clinton White House tree, Thompson said.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Prime Time Highway Robbery....Reality Commercials
Testing Yourself Online and, Maybe, on the Set
This blogger has STRIPPED out the avertisers links in this article from the NY Times.
THE promotional contest, a Madison Avenue mainstay, is being freshened for a new generation through an increasingly popular marketing tactic known as user-generated content.
Advertisers like Chipotle, Converse, General Motors and MasterCard have been gaining attention by inviting consumers to use the new video technologies to create commercials.
For instance, more than 1,000 entries have been submitted to the Frito-Lay division of PepsiCo in a “Crash the Super Bowl” contest to create a commercial for Doritos snack chips. The winning spot is scheduled to appear during Super Bowl XLI on Feb. 4.
Not only are advertisers wooing consumers into creating commercials, so too are the television networks that run them. The CW network is teaming with one advertiser, the Sunkist line of sodas sold by Cadbury Schweppes, to ask viewers of the series “One Tree Hill” to create video entries in a contest with an unusual grand prize: a role in an episode for the creator of the winning spot, filmed on location in the winner’s hometown.
The entrants are being asked to upload their video clips to a special Web site (cwtv.com/sunkist). In a wrinkle that is typical of promotions involving user-generated content, consumers, whether or not they enter the contest, will be able to vote online for their favorite submissions.
“This is 360-degree marketing,” said Bill Morningstar, executive vice president for national sales at CW, owned by CBS and Time Warner. “It starts on air, extends online and has the ultimate grass-roots layer, the show coming to the hometown.”
FARTS CREATE Homeland Security Scare, GROUND PLANE...
Flatulence Forces Plane to Land
By Associated Press
December 5, 2006, 9:12 PM EST
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- It is considered polite to light a match after passing gas. Not while on a plane.
An American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing Monday morning after a passenger lit a match to disguise the scent of flatulence, authorities said.
The Dallas-bound flight was diverted to Nashville after several passengers reported smelling burning sulfur from the matches, said Lynne Lowrance, spokeswoman for the Nashville International Airport Authority. All 99 passengers and five crew members were taken off and screened while the plane was searched and luggage was screened.
The FBI questioned a passenger who admitted she struck the matches in an attempt to conceal a "body odor," Lowrance said. She had an unspecified medical condition, authorities said.
"It's humorous in a way but you feel sorry for the individual, as well," she said. "It's unusual that someone would go to those measures to cover it up."
The flight took off again, but the woman was not allowed back on the plane. The woman, who was not identified, was not charged in the incident.
Monday, December 4, 2006
Reuter's, Yahoo, Google, CNN and Others Want Your News Photos
Have Camera Phone? Yahoo and Reuters Want You to Work for Their News Service
Published: December 4, 2006
Hoping to turn the millions of people with digital cameras and camera phones into photojournalists, Yahoo and Reuters are introducing a new effort to showcase photographs and video of news events submitted by the public.
Starting tomorrow, the photos and videos submitted will be placed throughout Reuters.com and Yahoo News, the most popular news Web site in the United States, according to comScore MediaMetrix. Reuters said that it would also start to distribute some of the submissions next year to the thousands of print, online and broadcast media outlets that subscribe to its news service. Reuters said it hoped to develop a service devoted entirely to user-submitted photographs and video.
“There is an ongoing demand for interesting and iconic images,” said Chris Ahearn, the president of the Reuters media group. He said the agency had always bought newsworthy pictures from individuals and part-time contributors known as stringers.
“This is looking out and saying, ‘What if everybody in the world were my stringers?’ ” Mr. Ahearn said. How about PAYING THOSE STRINGERS YOU CHEAP BASTARD.
The project is among the most ambitious efforts in what has become known as citizen journalism, attempts by bloggers, start-up local news sites and by global news organizations like CNN and the BBC to see if readers can also become reporters. Reporters WITHOUT PAY should be added here.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
How About A Cow For Christmas?

Paris Hilton Quits Billboard Awards...uhhh...Who Cares?

So, it it with some humor I read today that she's BACKING out of her appearance at the Billboard Awards because she finds some of the jokes portray some of her friends in a BAD LIGHT...WELL EXCUSE ME, maybe then Paris needs to GET A CLUE. I do not keep tabs on her, but I could recount one sad news story after another about her and her friends. Seem to recall the story about her STUFF found in an abandoned storage facility and her suing to get it back, there was the story about her and her friends hitting a car and driving off after a night of party at some club, or her latest antics with Brittany, the two of them showing up at clubs without their panties on. With these kinds of news stories, how can Paris be upset at a few jokes that might portray her friends in a negative light...does the truth hurt? I only hope that one day she wakes up, realizes what she's been gifted with, starts doing some good in this world, instead of thinking everything in the world revolves around her.
Hilton Quits Billboard Awards Over Jokes
By The Associated Press
The Associated Press
Sunday, December 3, 2006; 2:12 AM
LOS ANGELES -- Paris Hilton won't joke about her peeps. The hotel heiress canceled an appearance at next week's Billboard Music Awards because she didn't like the jokes written for her, according to a spokesman.
"It is my understanding that some satirical references ridiculed some of her peers," her spokesman, Elliot Mintz, said in a statement. "Paris did not want to say anything that could appear hurtful or embarrassing about people she knows."
Saturday, December 2, 2006
No Tongue in Cheek...We miss you Dinero Boo
It is with a heavy heart that I interupt our fun on this blog...no jokes today, no fun, no product previews. Instead, today I honor my/our beloved Dinero Boo, the best cat, the best feline friend a family could ever have.
Dinero Boo October 11th, 1995-December 2nd, 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
NEWS FLASH...Calling ALL BLOGGERS To Help a Soldier's Mom
Friday, December 1, 2006
Reach Out NOW To an Iraq Soldier Mom! Her SON Has BEEN HIT With and IED
NEWS FLASH...Just in from Gather.
I am a member on www.gather.com a site for people to meet and share their thoughts, argue politics, and make new friends. One of these new friends could USE SOME FRIENDLY WORDS and prayers. If you read this, pass the link along, and click on THIS LINK to read her post, which I am posting below, and to leave her words of strength. This post is being put up in all my blogs, hope you will include it in yours...the Mother of a soldier needs our strength.
Porgie Tirebiter
he was hit
by adele L.
December 01, 2006 12:07 AM EST
I got a phone call at midnight, from my daughter, telling me my son was hit and injured in Iraq. I was sound asleep. I heard ,Wayland had been hit by an IUD. ?????? What I don't understand, I said. She continued to try to explain it to me. I finally woke up enough to understand what she was saying ..... my son was hurt.
He was hit by an IED.
He is in Germany now in a hospital.
He was in a vehicle and was tossled around.
more to come.............
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hot, Sexy, Sizzling and GREEN

Need Christmas Shopping Time? PLAY HOOKIE

PLAY HOOKIE...That's right, call in sick, fake a cough, whisper hoarsely into the phone that you ARE DYING! Not to worry, every one (almost) is doing it. What choice do we have? Let's be serious, our children, friends and family are counting on us to deliver the goods on Christmas, and sometimes getting those hard to find toys and gifts require some serious standing on line time. So, feeling pressured, need a few additional hours to take care of the real business of the season...TAKE THE DAY OFF, use up one of your sick days, tell them one of your children is vomiting all over the living room rug.
Holiday season rings in the phony absences
POSTED: 11:43 a.m. EST, November 29, 2006
NEW YORK (Reuters) -- One in three workers has called in sick when they're not in the past year, and the end-of-year holiday season brings a rash of phony absences, experts and studies say.
Harried workers are juggling shopping, holiday preparations and family obligations this time of year, on top of perhaps having run out of the year's legitimate vacation days, they say. And the mornings after holiday parties don't help.
"We do know just anecdotally in dealing with employers that there certainly is a higher rate ... associated with holidays, catching up on shopping, or spending time with family and friends," said Jennifer Sullivan, spokeswoman for CareerBuilder.com, which conducts an annual survey of employee absenteeism. "You do see a higher incidence."
The firm's survey, released this week, showed that 32 percent of workers said they called in sick when they felt fine at least once in the last year, and one in 10 said they did so three times or more.
Women were more likely to take a sick day when they are not sick than men, by 37 to 26 percent, the survey said.
Bush Maliki Press Conference

BLah, blah, blah, blah, Killing Innocent People, blah, blah
Accelerate, accelerate, yeah, accelerate, Right man for the job, accelerate.
Freedom Building, Democracy,,,,,,, accelerate, unify.
No graceful withdraw. (verse Cut and Run...is this bipartisanship in action?)
Blah, blah, unify, killing innocent people, terrorist
Iran, isolation
Respect our borders, stay out of our internal affairs
accelerate, accelerate, unify, accelerate
no trilateral talk was planned...denial
duck, duck, duck....accelerate, accelerate, unify, Sadr, Sadr, duck, duck, duck
accelerate, accelerate, right man for job